• 32.1114
  • 34.8039
  • 40.7609

Sold - Ortaca Okçular Land Real Estate Ads

Total 28 records found.
Property ID: 1882
Terrain - For Sale
₺ -
Sensitive Title Deed 456m²
Muğla Ortaca Archers are also for sale in the 456 m2 village built-in area in zero positions to the Dalyan border. The sum of the land is 5 400 m2 and 5 people share real estate. Archers zoning will be opened shortly, so it's a real estate suitable for investment. There's construction around the land. Dalyan is 2 km away, Dalaman Airport is 25 km, Fethiye is 53 km
Property ID: 2218
Land - For Sale
₺ -
Detached Parcels 500m²
Mugla Ortaca Archers also 500 m2 land for sale. Detached deed. It's in the zoning plan, but the zoning plan is on hold, and the zoning work is underway. Suitable for forward-looking investment. There's a cadastral path. Dalyana is five miles away. 
Property ID: 2177
Land - For Sale
₺ -
Detached Parcels 340m²
Muğla Ortaca Archers also 340 m2 detached land is for sale. Cadastral studies are underway within the archers zoning plan. It's in the suspended zoning plan. When the work is terminated, the housing will be zoning. The construction around it is smooth. Three parcels inside the Ortaca Dalyan highway. 
You are now viewing page 2 of 2.



Date Of Update: 02.06.2024
  • BUY
  • SELL
  • 34.8039
  • 34.9434
  • 32.1114
  • 32.2400
  • 40.7609
  • 41.0636
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