• 32.4352
  • 34.7075
  • 41.1785

Sold - Ula Karabörtlen Land Real Estate Ads

Total 2 records found.
Property ID: 1811
Terrain - For Sale
₺ -
Detached Parcels 11.378m²
karabogurtlen mugla ula also 11,378 m2 for sale detached land title deeds. is zero since land muğla fethiye highway, commercial office, restaurant, cafe, a gas station, as appropriate. road elevation 1 coat because it's more manageable. there are trees in the heart of the land daily. electricity, roads, water. the zoning change can be made also by spending gbp 70 000, a license can be obtained at
Property ID: 1769
Terrain - For Sale
₺ -
Detached Parcels 4.000m²
ula, mugla, karabogurtlen 4 000 m2 land for sale bargain. the road to the gate will have the right, and the picture does not have right of way and construction. bungalov home can be placed in garden hobby may be. for citrus trees, fertile soil and the climate it has and around the orange groves there. there are plots of land adjacent parsell. electricity near water. environmental protection of th
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Date Of Update: 15.06.2024
  • BUY
  • SELL
  • 34.7075
  • 34.8466
  • 32.4352
  • 32.5652
  • 41.1785
  • 41.4843
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